- +1 604 343 9905
- KAF FOOD BANK, 10704 City Parkway, Surrey, British Columbia, V3T 4C7, Canada
- contact@kingdomacts.ca

KAF Bank located in North Surrey is a Community Food Security Project that ensures that the homeless, seniors, new immigrants, single parents, minorities, and people with addiction problems can access free nutritious meals and food.
Food insecurity refers to the inability to access a sufficient quantity or variety of food because of financial constraints and is an established marker of material deprivation in Canada (Health Canada, 2020). Based on the most recently available national-level data, 8.8% or 1.2 million households experienced food insecurity in 2017/2018 (Statisitic Canada, 2020).
In addition, certain population groups are more likely to be food insecure, such as single-parent households, seniors, refugees, black African immigrants with large families, individuals who rely on government assistance as their primary source of income, and individuals who rent their homes. (Tarasuk V, 2020).
Kingdom Acts Foundation operates from North Surrey, surrounded by resettled new immigrants, the homeless, and other vulnerable members of the community. With limited resources, KAF has been providing various food items to the needy at this location since 2012.
The Kingdom Acts Foundation operational facility is a block adjacent to the only food bank that served this large population of those at risk of food insecurity. Unfortunately, the Surrey Food Bank has relocated farther from the Surrey Centre to Newton, Surrey, creating a vacuum that Kingdom Acts Foundation (KAF) is striving to fill.
Here is a 2 minutes video summary of one of our Food Security Projects in action: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yAWE9oxoEig
In addition to other community services, KAF provides mental health support, new immigrants housing, addiction counselling, psychotherapy, family services, youth mentoring and employment services.
Furthermore, KAF directly provides food items to over 1640 several times a week. Most of these families visit the KAF facility for various other needs such as mental health counselling, youth empowerment programs, kids' extra-curricular activities, women employment readiness programs, and new immigrants programs.
KAF has discovered an intersection between food insecurity and poor health, poverty, mental health and environmental pollutions. Also, through partner organizations, KAF provides regular food support to over 5700 persons ranging from the homeless, new immigrants, people suffering from various disabilities, the unemployed, refugees, single parents, people suffering from substance abuse and other vulnerable members of the community.
[] Environmental Protection
[] Food Security and Hunger Relief
[] Redistribution of Nutritious, Unsold Food from Across British Columbia to Charities, Non-profits, Needy Families and Indigenous communities
[] Help to Nourish Students through School Programs
[] Provide Food Security for Seniors, Women fleeing from Domestic Abuse, Families with Disability Challenges, New Immigrants, The Unemployed, People Suffering from Mental Illnesses, The Homeless and Other Vulnerable Members of Our Community.
[] In over 8 years, Kingdom Acts Foundation (KAF) Food Bank has Rescued over 320,450 pounds of Healthy Food, Keeping it out of Landfills and Preventing 490,763 pounds of GHG (Green House Gas) Emissions from Entering our Atmosphere
Community Support Food Programs
A Line Up of Community Members Ready to Receive Food Items
KAF Food Bank is actively involved in food distribution to many families in need several times each week.
Truck Loads of Food Items Rescued from Donor Companies
KAF Food Bank - Saving the environment, preventing Green House Gas and Providing the Necessary Food Items to Needy Families!
Regular Supplies of Nutritious Food Items to Hungry Families
KAF Food Bank serves hundreds of families each week.

Milk and Dairy Products
KAF Food Bank redistributes rescued milk and dairy products to hundreds of families in our community each week. KAF Food Bank also supplies these items to other charities and organizations serving in our community such as homeless housing solutions, women shelters, seniors homes and many others.

Vegan, Non-GMO, Products
KAF Food Bank redistributes rescued Vegan, Non-GMO and Various Plant-Based products to hundreds of families in our community each week. KAF Food Bank also supplies these items to other charities and organizations serving in our community such as homeless housing solutions, women shelters, seniors homes and many others.

Loaves of Bread, Pasteries and Baked Products
KAF Food Bank redistributes rescued Loaves of Bread, Pasteries and Various Types of Baked Foods and Beverages to hundreds of families in our community each week. KAF Food Bank also supplies these items to other charities and organizations serving in our community such as homeless housing solutions, women shelters, seniors homes and many others.