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Faces of Food Waste E06: Date Labels Confusion and Food Waste

"In a study published in February by researchers at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, found that 84% of the people surveyed discarded food on or near the package date “at least occasionally,” and 37 % replied they “always” or “usually” discard food near that date, in spite of the phrase surrounding the date. (Aspril, J., Health, J. B. S. of P. 2019)“More than half of participants incorrectly thought that date labelling was federally regulated or reported being unsure,” the study said. So in most cases, there is a miscommunication that doesn’t clarify the correct information. 

" A big part of the problem of date labelling on package food is that it isn’t user-friendly. There are many different labels that are not always consistent that lead to misunderstanding by consumers and hesitation. There isn’t yet a predefined phrase of date label that is consistent throughout categories of product that would potentially make it easier to specify and clear out any confusion of safety and quality of food." 

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